I know I'd sound nuts for some of you, and I don't blame you at all.
It's not something one can put into words or understand with the mind.
Las muelas del juicio - The wisdom Teeth
Es como si las muelas del juicio siguieran esperando un trozo de mamut pero obtienen una ensalada de kale.
It's like the wisdom teeth are still waiting for a piece of mammoth but they get a kale salad.
Make your life a celebration
Life changed, from one day, to another.
The virus changed everyone’s lifestyle.
Life changed quickly and soon we noticed we needed to change too. You know, either you adapt or probably die (well, that’s a little exaggerated but one never knows)
Read MoreEmotions are OK - Las emociones están bien
Everything changes…and that’s OK
Todo cambia…y está bien
Inspiration - Inspiración
Everything can be inspiring, just observe. Todo puede ser inspirador, basta con observar.
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