The Magic Quest

Who doesn’t like magic?
Does that person exist?
I am not trying in any way to be rude, is just that I can’t believe someone could not like magic.

I’ve waited for magic for so long!
I remember reading about magic when I was a child, and then seen it in movies.

So many stories!
And since very cool technology took place in movies it’s been easier to be exposed to magic.
I mean the whole Harry Potter’s magic, the owls, the doors, the stairs, the spells.
I remember when I watched Splash, the mermaid movie, have you seen it?
Return to Oz, being one of my favorite movies, oh! My heart gets fluffier just to think about it.

Then, when I was a teenager and being exposed to teen witches in movies and books or later watching Avatar, reading about enchanted woods, Merlin, moving castles, never ending stories, worlds beyond closets...made me wonder:

When would I be able to experience that magic?

And for many years I would go out of the movie theatre and be very attentive of the surroundings and the people, the objects, to see if a glance of something magical would present itself.

I must confess I did have some strange experiences, but they were a little scary though, they didn’t feel like the magic I was looking for. It wasn’t precisely fairies.

So…nothing really extraordinary. Traffic, crowds, work, food, traffic…very mundane, grown-upy human stuff.

But still, every single time, while driving, or going to a concert, or just by being alone at home I was waiting. Waiting for the wall to open, waiting for the lamp to turn into a wizard…and I waited, and waited

(… I laughed here, in my couch, alone, because I imagined that last paragraph as if it was the end of the post, and that would’ve made a very sad ending!)

I got tired of waiting and I decided to find magic, no matter what.
Yes, I tried candles. I still use them.

And I remember very well, the day a different aspect of magic was added to my understanding.
I was taking a very hot shower because it was freezing that winter! And when I finished, I opened the window and put my face very close to the window screen and

I’ve never breath that deeply, that clean, that smooth and clear and pure.

What was that?
It was life, it was eternity, it was…magic.
I felt alive. I felt eternal, I felt I wasn’t this body, I felt it was more of life than the things I could perceive with my 5 senses.

Then, in the course of life so much happened, that the only explanation that made sense, was magic.
One of those things is the meditation I learned (which I wasn’t looking for, by the way) and all the magical stuff that my awareness on life brought.

I’ve learned to recognize magic in places I never thought I would.
I’ve learned to embrace and love and to see magic where apparently there is just simplicity.

So now, I live my days hunting for clues that lead me to greater experiences, than the ones I can imagine or read or see in movies.

In this clue hunting, I’ve discovered that

and it brings me a lot of joy to live in such a magical world.

So far, I haven’t seen Harry Potter’s moving stairs.
But I’ve been liten up candles for people’s life, healed myself and loved ones with magical herbs, connected with the whole through meditation, I’ve discovered bliss during morning walks in the woods, I’ve learned to disappear the ego through service, I’ve discovered the magical transition from a white canvas to a piece of art, I’ve learned spells in form of praise that magically create smiles in other persons, I’ve connected what I see around me to find answers, I learned the magic that being grateful forward creates, I’m learning the magic of unconditional love, the mystery of my entire awareness resting in the present moment to create eternity.

And for those who are brave enough to let go of the preconceived idea of what magic should look like.

What about you?
Do you experience magic?

Here’s a short ebook I wrote about hunting the clues for magic and inspiration.

Love & Sparkles!!