The Unfinished Necklace

Sometimes life happens.

I love inspiration, as you may suspect. I love the subject, I think is mystery and we are in charge of discover what abides beyond what we can see. I’m a clue hunter, I love to follow the white rabbits, I’m passionate about this adventure in the journey of creativity.

I always encourage people to keep going, I’m the biggest cheerleader of dreamers.

A few months ago I received the worst news of my life. My dad was diagnosed with leukemia. I’m far away from him and my family, around a year ago hubby, Ophelia (french studio assistant bulldog) and I moved to this lovely Tiny Town.
I was shocked. I think I still am a bit.

I stopped painting, I stopped my life.
I’ve never wrote this, and I'm writing it here because it feels good, nobody reads it and I know he won’t read it.

I stopped. I felt frozen. I still feel that way some days. But the love around me melts the freezing and I managed to keep breathing.

It was shocking to see everything change.
Even the happy cheerleader in me.

Little by little I’ve started painting again.
I’ve done my best. And still there are some moments when I freeze again.

I started a new series that means a lot to me.
So far, the plan is to have 3 pieces. They have abstract backgrounds, a woman in a black and white kinda tone, a 90’s object and an egyptian symbol.

It’s all connected.
To what I live, what I feel, what see, who I am and I haven’t been able to describe the paintings completely. This is the first one.

(I’m the worst photographer of my art by the way)

A wave of passion, hope and energy came, and I started the second one.
But I haven’t been able to finish it.

The 90’s item in the new painting is one of those plastic chokers. And it’s just missing a little piece and it will be done.

But I can’t finish it yet.

It’s nothing:

You see? Nothing!
Is just a little piece of the choker.
Again, the quality of the photo, sorry.

But you can see it, right?

Is nothing.
And at the same time it’s everything.

It means the sadness, and the freezing.

To keep breathing, because there’s still more to do, more to give, more to love.

I hope this works as a reminder for you too.
We can do it.
Hold on.
We got this.

Love & Sparkles,
