A Journey of Surrender and Self-Discovery

Here’s the blog, but in audio format, for those who prefer listening instead of reading.
You will need to excuse my english and the sound edit. I promise I’ll get better.

Hola amigos del Interneeeeet!!

How are my favorite Monday lovers on Earth doing?

I'm doing great, and I'd love to share this greatness with you. Remember the last blog where I mentioned preparing for an awesome spiritual retreat in Chicago?

Well, someone whose name starts with O and ends with phelia fell really ill. She was also preparing for interviews and meet-and-greets in the doggy camp world, but the day before the flight, her stomach went crazy, and she got sick. I won't delve into details because they're not necessary, believe me.

So, I had to cancel my flight and stay home to take care of baby Ophelia, giving her medicines, cleaning her, and providing total care.

Did I want to go to the retreat? Yaaas. Was I needed elsewhere? yes as well.

So, I did what was presented to me. No complaints, no what-ifs, nothing but surrender and love. I wish I could approach everything like this; I keep practicing and always will. I did what life was asking of me and also created my mini-retreat.

Hubby did go as planned, so it was Ophelia and me by ourselves. I couldn't go outside the first few days because she couldn't be left alone, so we managed to happily exist with what we had. I took care of her, did yoga, abs exercises, ate as healthily as possible with what I had, attended an online summit, created a new sketch for my series for the Hispanic Heritage show this year, cleaned the house, read, and had lots of hours of meditation, as if I were in the retreat. I enjoyed the silence immensely and realized that this was a taste of what life is, if we simply surrender to what our expectations demand and allow ourselves to be truly alive in what life presents to us now.

It sounds so simple, and yet we can make it so complicated! And you know what? I'm done with complicated.

What about you?

Little by little, I have been able to rid myself of drama and complications. I've done great, and I'm willing to keep protecting my peace, whatever it takes.

And that's what I want to share with you today: to spread the passion for living a light life. To really be alive in the moment, to surrender any ego desires, and to let ourselves go in the magic of the present moment. And to start again as many times as needed. To enjoy the journey to the fullest, not to be working and living for a prize or a reward, no, because the real joy resides in the taste of the moment, in being so alive that we can enjoy the journey as if it were the prize, because it is!

And it doesn't matter if we forget or fall for the drama or our mind's expectations; we can always start again in this moment, reset, and be alive again in the present, not in the imaginary world of "what it was supposed to be."

I'll keep this entry short and juicy.

I'll keep drinking my coconut water because it was presented to me! lol

All my love & sparkles!!

To exercise: I’m trying this channel for a yoga routine, I think she’s kind, powerful and simple. I really needed simple because I realized I am so stiff these days!!! I use to go to a Pilates class from Monday to Saturday in Mexico but here I’ve just been walking, walking, walking…and well, walking is not everything the body needs. So I found that channel, I’ll keep trying it, you can try with me too!
To try: If you are not that into journaling, how about a photo journal in you phone? I’ve been doing this for a while now and then I separate the photos into albums on my phone and it has been very helpful to remind me things, to have track of some others and of course for inspiration. Actually in the inspiration section, I already started my second e-book inspired by my photos in the phone. Which leads me to…
To read: I’ll be self promoting a bit, bare with me. I did write an ebook! It’s called ‘A book of Inspiration, Spirituality, Heart and Art”. I love it so so much because of what it means to me, how it helped me during a hard time, I’m so grateful with my tiny little book. You can get it here in english y aquí en español. If you read it, let me know if you like it and if you are ready for a second one.
To not to buy: Lol. I love flowers, but this time I did’t bought a bouquet for the house but I picked some loose wildflowers from a walk and made a little arrangement for my studio. Little arrangement for my little studio, you need to see it in the video, lol.