Hello, my art-loving friends!
Happy Monday! I know Mondays can be a bit of a downer for many, thanks to their bad reputation. But hey, bear with me. If you're not a fan of Mondays, just pretend it's another joyful day of the week.
This is me taking on a personal commitment challenge
I'd really love to connect more with you here or through email, but honestly, I'm a bit clueless about managing emails and all those grown-up electronic things.
So, for now, I'm trying my best to keep posting here, and hopefully, I can send you regular, non-spammy emails.
What's this commitment challenge all about, you ask? Well, first and foremost, it's a personal journey. I haven't subscribed to any hashtag challenges or commitments of that sort.
I'm committing to myself and to living the most amazing life possible. Don't get me wrong; I'm not dissatisfied with my life, but I believe there's always room for more experiences and personal growth, so I'm going for it.
If you read my last blog post, you know I've already started my morning walks, which I'm absolutely loving.
It's incredible where nature can take you
and I'm not talking about hiking for kilometers on a trail, but rather a journey inward, like traveling light years within yourself.
I adore how nature can lead us to the purest and most untouched parts of our beings. These walks have brought significant changes to my life. Most days, I simply walk in silence, becoming acutely aware of the divine presence underlying everything. I can hear the birds singing, and I can even hear the rustling of their feathers. I spot bunnies and squirrels, exchange smiles with people, and pet lots of dogs along the way. I can smell the crispness of the air and the aroma of toast wafting from nearby houses. Sometimes, I listen to an audiobook while savoring the magnificence of the moment.
It energizes me. And as part of this self-imposed commitment challenge, I'm also painting daily. You'll see how it's all connected. I came across that viral idea, challenge, or whatever you want to call it, about creating a painting every day for a set number of days. But no, that doesn't quite resonate with me. It's not that it's wrong; it's just not my style. However, a daily commitment to my passion is.
So, I embarked on my daily artistic commitment. So far, I've completed "Lucy" and two abstract watercolor pieces, which will soon arrived to their new homes. I also painted "Joy in a Can," an oil painting on canvas that brought me immense lightness and joy. It draws inspiration from Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup cans, a special edition, and a bouquet of flowers I stumbled upon on the internet. To me, it combines the vibes of Warhol and Van Gogh.
This artistic exercise is revealing my unique style and my true self. It fills me with happiness and contentment. I’m committed to myself to paint daily. To paint non-stopping, because I want my dream non-stopping.
Due to personal, intense reasons I stopped once. Then I got back but it has been slow.
From now on, that’s over. Actually, it has been non-stopping since I started. And I’m loving it and it brings daily joy to my life. So much joy that I can gladly share it with others.
I've also delved into painting some fish alla prima style. I have a deep affection for fish—their quirks, their skills, their vibrant colors, and the mystery they hold. They are incredibly multifaceted!
I've always been fascinated by fish, whether they're in their natural habitat or displayed in a supermarket. There's just something captivating about them. That’s why my ebook have a supermarket fish on the cover.
Currently, I'm working on a tomato painting. I remember the first time I saw tomatoes hanging from a ceiling in Spain, years and years ago. Now, I think they'll make a charming addition alongside the fish in a trendy kitchen.
Oh, and I'm also making an effort to drink more water. Are you staying hydrated enough? I bought this handy water bottle, and yes, it's been a game-changer. I just need to remember to fill it up instead of constantly refilling my coffee mug.
Keep an eye out for more updates on my commitment challenge and art journey.
And if you want to, let’s do it together.
Let’s have a wonderful life, let’s make things that makes our heart fluffier. Let’s commit with what we want the most.
Let's make Mondays a little brighter, shall we?