This week's cozy discoveries

Hola amigos del interneeeet"!!

How's your Monday treating you? I hope you're doing fantastic. Today was a mix of my favorite day of the week plus one of my less favorite activities: grocery shopping. But hey, it's Monday, and I'm in a pretty good mood. Plus, it's a grey, rainy, cloudy day – and let me tell you, rainy days make me really happy. So, a rainy Monday is like the best combo ever... at least to me, lol. I know lots of you don't like Mondays, but let's try to make it a bit better together.

Now, let's dive into the discoveries of this week!

TO READ: So, in my commitment to myself, I thought I could become a better friend. Or maybe just a different kind of friend? You see, I'm not much of a party person, I'm not a fan of loud environments, and I have this suspicion that friends want to see you often or talk on the phone, which I really don't fancy. So, I decided to read "The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts." Though it seemed very couple-oriented, I think it applies to all kinds of human relationships. It helps you discover how you express love, how you understand love signals, and, in the end, I believe it helps you be kinder and speak your loved ones' language. I discovered that my hubby and I are great at speaking each other's love language (even though we are quite different), and I also found out that some of my closest friends are a lot like me. Now, I'm making an effort to speak my friends' language and show them in various ways how much I appreciate and love them.

TO COZY UP: I don't know how fall is in your town, but here, it's getting cozier with each passing day. Trees are donning shades of yellow, orange, and red. The air is getting a bit colder day by day, and you know what that means – pumpkin spice everywhere! As if that weren't cozy enough, I've been tuning into Cecilia in Svalbard’s YouTube channel featuring this amazing woman and her boyfriend living on an island close to the North Pole. Her channel is all about coziness, light-heartedness, and fun. There's her gorgeous dog, sightings of whales, bears, and reindeer, and tons of good vibes – which, let's be honest, we could all use a little more of these days.

TO DRINK: TO DRINK: I absolutely adore Studio Ghibli – everything about it. The other day, I stumbled upon an image (I can't seem to find the source, so if you know it, please let me in on the secret!), and it had a recipe from one of my favorite Studio Ghibli films, "Ponyo." I just love this cozy desert-ish drink. Let me know if you try it! It’s a treat!!

TIPS FOR YOUR PAINTINGS (and life): Just like a good base can help create a great finished painting, it applies to daily life too. A strong foundation provides you with the guidance to create more and better. Good foundations lead to exceptional final results. It might feel a bit challenging at first, but trust me, it'll make the rest of the journey more liberating and spacious for creativity.

Right now, I'm working on a painting of hanging tomatoes. I was so excited to paint them that I almost rushed through the initial drawing (in grey). But it didn't feel quite right; the tomatoes weren't positioned perfectly. So, I decided to redo them (in red), and now that I'm almost done, I can confidently say it was the best decision. They look well-placed, like happy tomatoes just hanging around (pun not intended, lol).

Thanks a million for sticking with me through this. I'll be back here again, same time next Monday, with more discoveries and experiences to share. In the meantime, have a splendid week. Be kind to yourself and others, and remember not to take life (or yourself) too seriously.

Love & Sparkles,
