Hey, Monday Lover Here!

Some of you know how obsessed I am with Mondays. I don’t feel I am that loud, cheerleader-y Monday person that wants everybody to smile. I mean I love to cheer people up, but not in that way. My Monday love is more internal. Maybe it’s some kind of marketing living rent free in my mind, but it works well for me.

Today I came back to my morning walks.
It all started around a year ago, when I needed to breath, literally. My life felt so destroyed and I felt I couldn’t even breath.
I used all the tools I could. Meditation, books, workshops, even being more social, and my beautiful morning walks in the woods.

At some point I stopped…well, I know exactly which point, it’s called Summer.

I’m not a Sun person. I really do not enjoy warm or hot weather. It feels like Summer drains my energy. I prefer my cloudy, rainy, cold, gray days. Those make me smile. That weather brings me back to life.
So finally the air started smelling like autumn. You know, that crisp suspended in the air.
The geese are coming back, apparently they run away from the heat as myself. The color palette is changing and I love it.
Obviously my wardrobe too. Cozy slippers and fluffy robes are in the laundry.

Everything seems to be coming back to normal. At least my normal.
And I’m beyond grateful.

I don’t do mornings very well.
It is more at night that I get more active and creative, so with all the laziness in every single cell of my body, I woke up very early (6:50am to be precise) and by 7 I started my walk.

We moved to another house and the neighborhood is breathtaking, the whole area is.
So it was the first time I got to walk this trail.

It was beautiful.

I wore my headphones but I never played anything. I was delighted by the sound of the birds, the air, the squirrels and my own breathing.

At some point a hawk flew so close to my ear that I could perfectly hear the sound of his flutter and feel the strength of his flight.

Obviously I wasn’t measuring my pace or distance, I was just flowing with the moment.
And that feels more me. I feel comfortable being who I really am.

It all helped. It felt like the whole Universe was supporting my existence.

So I wanna try writing on Mondays.
It is my favorite day of the week and to have a schedule and a commitment helps me a lot and I want to connect more with whoever is reading. And if nobody reads, I’m glad to use this a register of my Mondays.

Oh, and I will definitely try to connect with you earlier on Mondays.
For now, I did what I could with what I had, after a long evening dealing with USPS and my iPad.

I’ll keep working on more merch.
Which by the way, thank you for the support with it.

I’ll be designing more merch soon and let you know about an oil painting project.

As always, I wish you are having an amazing life.
Have a happy week, be content with yourself, don’t judge others, because we know nothing.

Huge cosmic hug for you.

Love & Sparkles,
