C’mon! You do like this Monday, uh?
Merry Christmas amigos!
I really hope you’re doing well, either resting or skiing, watching movies, with your families, your friends or alone. Whatever you’re doing I hope you feel content and at peace. Complete and full of love.
This Monday have been great, and the whole week too and actually the whole month.
This is our last Monday of 2023.
Wow…this year has been a lot for me.
How was it for you?
At the end I’m grateful for the things I learnt.
It’s amazing to see how much life teaches us, from situations and people. It is always a blessing to be able to look inward and be grateful and humble for all those experiences.
I’ve learnt to not blame anyone.
At the end we don’t really know what is happening in people’s hearts. And yeap, they don’t know what is happening in ours either.
So it’s nice to not take anything personal, as much as we can. At least in my opinion.
These days I’ve been working like crazy, I already finished the fist of a series that I’m so excited to create.
I’ve been studying about color, figurative art, abstract art, exploring what I do love the most from my favorite artists, diving deep inside myself, which I think it’s been the most challenging for me.
But I think I’m getting somewhere amazing and most of all I’m enjoying a lot and experiencing a lot of passion. Art is fuel to me. Even though sounds like a big cliché , art is life for me.
Finally I’ve been reading as much as I want aaaaand tomorrow will be my first day of holiday reading, which means that I’m reading a book just for the love of hanging with myself, drinking hot chocolate and reading with the sole purpose of entertainment, not studying or nerding around like always. I’m so into clichés today apparently, lol.
I’m finally enjoying time with the hubby too. He was insanely busy with work, so this Monday is our first day of vacation. We are excited, we want to do everything, sleep, rest, road trip, getting home things done, audiobooking, cooking, exploring…sounds like a lot, I know! But we always trust it always happens the best and meanwhile the 3 of us are together we are thrilled!
I’ve been walking a lot again, even though it’s been raining like crazy, but those who know me, might remember I love the rain.
I believe walking is underrated, honestly. You move your body, I swear I can feel my organs getting happier with every step, walking helps you to be super present, super aware, the fresh air feels like it blows any thought in my mind leaving space for being truly alive, and you get to receive a lot of smiles and hellos…at least here in my tiny town. And that makes me feel so grateful! Gratitude is one of my favorite experiences ever.
Ophelia has been walking with me too, although lately she’s resting because the rain and the cold get her red, swollen paws. But she’s enjoying the fireplace and the Chesterfield. We’ve been enjoying the living a room a lot. I got new candles which I love and it’s all Christmasy, we love to enjoy the Christmas tree, the lights, the dark days and the cozy mood.
We also went to our first ornament exchange party, lol, is that a thing in the US?
It was so fun! We laughed a lot, ate lecker food (that’s delicious in German, I keep doing my Duolingo lessons hehe) and the exchange was super funny, also the games with kitchen stuff and of course, we met amaaaazing people! Apparently life keeps trying to tell me that socializing and meeting new people is safe for my heart. Maybe I shouldn’t be afraid of friends, right?
Talking about friends, one of my dearest friends got me a wall calendar.
I know, I know, I’m one of those people who actually hangs calendars in the wall, write on them, crosses the days, and my mom gives me one every year. This 2023 she gave me one full of lovely wild animals.
I can’t wait to use the new one, I’ll show you next Monday, because next Monday it will be the first Monday of 2024 (yay) so that day that beautiful calendar will be use!
I hope you guys enjoy the rest of our crazy 2023.
Hug your loved ones and pay attention to the important things, those usually are not visible.
I honor you a lot because you were able to go through the year. And i know you did the best you could. And it was perfect. I’m glad you exist.
I leave you with our weekly treasures at the end.
For now, I send you all my love.
I send you my best wishes, not just for you but for all the people you care about.
Big mexican hug, from my rainy gray and cozy tiny town.
Love & Sparkles,
To eat. The dollar store Peppermint Chocolate.
Oh God! This is the perfect partner for a dark roasted coffee. Sweet, Christmasy and perfect.
To notice. I truly love animals in general, and I’m privilege to be exposed to a very good variety of them here in my tiny town. So the other day I was observing and listening to this chubby, beautiful crow and wowsies! They are beautiful and smart and honestly mesmerizing. It is worthing to pay attention to our surroundings and to discover more wonders.
To watch. Ok, this will be a strange but very cool one. Every Christmas since I’m a kind I watch this Mexican Christmas movie. It’s my favorite. I say is a strange treasure, but hey, treasures are rare, uh? because is this movie you can see Santa Claus of course, the devil, Merlin and obviously some white kick ass reindeers, lots of magic, like really lots! And a beauuutiful story. It might be weird because of all the variety in the characters and because in the United States it’s catalogue like a horror movie. But trust me, it’s magical, not horror.
To read. Werner's Nomenclature of Colours: Adapted to Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Anatomy, and the Arts. I mean! The name says it all. Look at pic #4 and read what Darwing wrote about it. Mindblowing.
Extra movie marathon treasure. This is a very well know treasure. But today we also watched Home Alone, and we laughed (and ok ok I cried just a bit) like when we watched it for the first time.