Packing Creativity in the Woods. My very Essential Art Supplies.

So, a few days ago, we embarked on a delightful getaway to a charming, snug cabin in the woods to celebrate our anniversary.

I packed the essentials, keeping it simple and minimal for our trip.

Here's what I brought along:

Tiny watercolor set. Basic colors, that way I can mix and create new ones, without having to pack tons and tons of palettes.

One brush.
You can add water into the brush, so this makes it very practical. For a not much space place it saves you the vase for the water.

Tiny watercolor set, magic holding water brush, sketchbook, mechanical pencil, because pencil sharpeners are a nightmare to me.
AND the willingness of just sketch.
Not trying to be perfect, planned or masterpieced.

Oh! And a book hubby got me as a surprise, as an inspiration fuel.

You can see the photos of my sketches by clicking here, if you like.

Hope it helps you to minimal pack.
Love & Sparkles!


Uncover the joys of living offline, as I share the transformative power of being present in the moment. Delve into the sights, sounds, and sensations that surrounded us, from twinkling stars to the melodious hoot of an owl. Experience the pure bliss of savoring the silence and capturing the essence of nature in my little sketchbook.

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Busy and Off Grid

Join us as we reflect on the beauty of simplicity, the power of being present, and the love that enveloped us during this special getaway. From cherished moments of togetherness to the freedom of exploring the wilderness, a trip filled with love, adventure, and artistic expression.

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Super Short Update

Oh wow.
I don’t even know where to begin. And no, I’m not sure I can start from the beginning, because that might be a lot.

But it has been for sure an intense, truly intense ride.
I might say my life has been divided before my dad’s diagnosis and after.

The whole journey has been miraculous. Full of love and magic.
So thanks to love, life started to move again.

I got an exhibition for the first time here. I exhibited my “Serendipity” oil painting and I was the happiest, I felt so grateful and excited. Let me show you

It was pretty awesome. I was super happy and at the same time those times were difficult in the personal field, because of everything that was happening in my family. But the love and support of hubby, my friends and family reminded me how committed I am with my dream, how possible it is and how magical my life actually is.

That day a new opportunity came and I hope to tell you all about it very soon.

Everything has been very magical indeed.
Despite my preference of situations, I’m able to see how magical everything is.

Actually, while writing this little blog post, everything changed again, same as the whole post.
But for now, I can say I’m full of gratitude, for. you, for the magic, the miracles, the love, the compassion…for the whole.

I also have another exhibition this Friday!! Yay!
The Gallery is called Splendorporium. Don’t you just love the name?
The Thin Vail is the name of the exhibition. SO my theme!

I hope to see you guys from Portland Area there.



Love & Sparkles