Busy busy busy days. And I must confess I love it.
And it might be strange but, it’s in those busy days when I accomplish more things than the ones I have more free time “to do everything I want”.
I’ve been so inspired by so many things!
I do believe one chooses inspiration, we are not victims of inspiration landing on us, but we need to be willing and aware of the clues that are shown to us and then, take advantage of it with the purpose of creating or just for the love of enjoying life.
I love the inspiration topic. I find it fascinating how many ideas we might have around it. And at the end, no idea is good or bad, we just need to enjoy and use what works for us and that might change, depending on how our life changes too.
By any meaning I’m saying this is the ultimate truth, I’m just sharing what works for me, so far.
I couldn’t study art as I wanted when I was younger, instead I studied architecture. So I’m always reading, watching videos, entering online courses, and learning art from everywhere and anyone I can, so when I moved to the States, a little more than a year ago, I saw an art event online , so I subscribed and days later I realized it was UK time!! Just 8 hours difference…
But, Miss Intensity here, didn’t mind.
So I put my headphones on, started the computer on and W O W.
I learnt so much and most important of all It was extremely inspiring. I must confess I fell asleep a few times, obviously bont because it was boring, but because it started at my 3am and finished at my 10am. My friends laughed at me because I didn’t realize the time zone and some others couldn’t believe I did attend the event.
What some others didn’t believe was that this year…I subscribed again! But this time I was actually aware of the 8 hours difference.
I subscribed and I enjoyed it a lot. I prepared my mind and boy a few days before, I still fell asleep…8 hours apparently is too much for me.
But I enjoyed it A LOT.
I also finished my Tatanka oil painting.
And it got me so inspired that I already started the next one for the collection.
Let me show you:
“The creative process it’s an art piece itself. An ephemeral one in terms of matter and an eternal one in terms of inhabiting this world.
It’s an ephemeral performance artwork that reflects to you a crystal clear instant of your own transformation.It proposes new questioning, it reveals deeper insights, it introduces you to more parts of yourself.
The process is a labyrinth designed for the artist, a labyrinth of mysticism and transformation, a path of dissolving.
The final piece it’s a condensed pearl of all that journey.”
I also finished my collection of women in monotone with an abstract background and a 90’s item in color, have you seen those yet?
I really feel so excited and inspired by so many things.
The online webinar, my own Tatanka painting, the spring flowers blooming all around my tiny town, the snow…yes we have some like two days ago, emails of students of the meditation group, new recipes of soups I’m learning with our new Vitamix (yes, I’m that lady), we can let ourselves be inspired by anything, if we are willing to.
I got so inspired and my happiness levels increased just to see Ophelia running in the grass and enjoying our little spring sunshine.
The smell of coffee, the flowers showing their colors, breathing the clean air, inspiration might be everywhere.
We just need to be aware and willing.
Love & Sparkles,