Hola amigos del Internet!!
How are you guys!! How are you treating this beautiful Monday?
Today is President's Day in this beautiful country.
A day to honor all the presidents that have served the United States of America.
It started with President George Washington’s birthday. But we are not talking about history in this blog, although I suggest you do your research if a) you are interested o b) like me, you live in this country.
And I know most of the people here don’t work today, I do. Because my business is just one person…this person.
And I need to send some budgets for a new project that I’ll tell you as soon as is a closed deal, you know what happened to my exhibition (laughs in Spanish). What I can say is that it is related to the Mona Lisa (screams inward in spanglish).
Anyway, how are your projects doing? Are you into exercise? Eating cleaner?
I for sure should do that.
Take more care of my body. I’m so immerse in my art and my family that I usually forget to take care of my health, and some of you know that I’ve struggling a little bit with it.
I should probably eat more water and greens.
Which leads me to connect the dots between my Green Era and my health. I haven quite understand why this period and project in my life is so related to color green, maybe this is a hint.
I’ll use it like that and if it’s not related it doesn’t matter because it will help me to eat healthier.
What dots you think you can connect in your life?
Make a pause and look around.
Maybe some little dots have dancing around you to connect them and finally do something about it.
What dots you think you can connect in your life?
Make a pause and look around.
Maybe some little dots have dancing around you to connect them and finally do something about it.
Can you see it?
Do you eat in a balanced healthy way?
Or do you live on coffee and ramen like me?
Let’s make a pact together.
Are you in??
Let’s drink more water, lets’s eat more vegetables, let’s eat more balanced!!
I will so muy research and share it with you. And we can make it.
I would love a healthy balanced way of eating, not those extremely strange recipes, but something practical, easy, healthy and delicious. I’ll let you know.
For now, I’ll start again with my huge water bottle. Not, not the trendy Stanley cup lol, my huge water bottle that I bought like a million years ago and I haven’t drank anymore.
And I’ll have jus 1 cup of coffee. I don’t need 5.
So please join me if you want to feel better, like I want to.
We got this.
And hey, it’s Monday!! What a perfect day to start!!
As I have a strong stomach ache I won’t have that one cup of coffee but a hot tea instead. That’s how bad it hurts.
This week I have a lovely companion in my morning walk.
Besides Ophelia. My dear friend B, came to the house and we walk for almost 2 hours. We had coffee and we talk and talk an talk. It was refreshing and amazing to have her on my walk. It is a blessing when you are able to connect with people beyond the visible, beyond the stuff, and there’s nothing wrong with talking about nail polish o Netflix tv shows, but when the connection goes beyond the wifi, when it goes to places without time, without agenda, is where love bubbles.
So my morning walk was very bubbly.
After we had cheese, pastries, grapes and more coffee. We were feeling very mediterranean (because of the grapes and cheese lol)
We talked about this Green Era Series of mine (among a 7 million other things) and it is today when I came to a conclusion that got my project wrapped up. I felt something was missing and today the glue of it all, appeared.
Which reminded me how little we can control.
I also listened to my Teacher (you know my spiritual Teacher) and he reminded us about the same thing. How sometimes we still believe we can control things. I thought I was being very un-controlling but I saw I wanted my art to look in an specific way and I realized again how I’m not the doer.
I know it feels we are. Like I’m the painter, I do painting, I’m the writer I do the writing, I’m the engineer I do the…engineering (?)
But I remember again, how we are the medium of the creation.
We are doing what we do for a greater purpose, that many times we don’t even know.
And it was a huge relief. And it brought more energy to keep with my project. The reminder that I’m not in control brought more excitement and passion and love. So
The brushes keep moving in Ishani Art.
In my tiny studio, in my rainy lovely town.
And inspired by all of this, I want to share with you this
To try: Hubby got very culinary these days and he made paella. Yes, we kept the mediterranean vibe. And geez. I strongly suggest you cook something different this week, something from another country maybe. It will bring a fresh new smell into your kitchen and it can make your stomach happy. Just for the sake of trying new thing. “I strongly suggest you cook…” said the one that didn’t cook but the husband did.
To connect: Try to disconnect from your phone and connect with someone in a fun, meaningful way. Text that friend and ask them to go for walk, you will be amazed by the amount of topics you can talk, the time you can spend together, the relativeness of time, the amount of time you don’t check the phone and amazed by the quality of love and joy you might experience.
To play: Well this is not a game, but a challenge. But if feels like a game. I’m playing it with my family and we are on day 21 I think. It’s a Peace Challenge. You’ll have a challenge everyday in your inbox and this challenge will help you to add more peace in tour days. This time I’m doing it with my family through our chat group and I’m grateful for the time, the love, the peace it causes and I appreciate how this is another tool to take care of you and your loved ones. It is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
To listen: Some of you might know, I don’t usually listen to music. But I’ve added a few songs to my Green Era playlist. Now that I told you about eating more healthy I should add the Apples & Bananas Barney song that I listened when I was kid…you know, for inspiration haha. THIS exact song.
To exercise: If you want to enjoy a good walk, I’ve using this app since I came to live to Oregon to discover trails and views that I’ve enjoyed with all my heart. You can choose the difficulty of the trail, or what are you using it for, like running, hiking, you can choose if you want a trail with a lake or steep walks…It will help you to discover places you can go and have an awesome offline time.
And now, the photobomb of the week.
I was basically obsessed with Ophelia and cuddling with her because of the lack of energy and those sneaky pains in my body, but it as awesome to take care of her and me at the same time.
I hope you feel inspire and motivated to rock this fabulous Monday!!
Love & Sparkles,