Hola dear amigos!
How are you guys doing this gorgeous Monday??
I’m still struggling with endometriosis effects. But hey, one gotta keep going.
These days I’ve been extra tired and in pain, but I do what I can do and I accept what I can’t change.
Rest is something that I’m not precisely good at, but from time to time my body reminds me that sometimes is good to make a pause.
So this time I didn’t quite succeed in completely resting, as I finished 2 paintings and started a new one, but I did have rested a lot. Even if I didn’t want to, my body doesn’t have much energy these days. So I respected that.
Let me show you the pieces I finished and a sneak peek of the one I started:
Xoxolatl, for a lovely lady who actually makes those delicious chocolates! I tried them and oh geez, they are extremely yummy. Next one is an indigenous Colombian in a beach from Colombia selling beautiful traditional bags. The painting I have started it’s called “Don’t go breaking my heart” and it will be part of my new collection of the Green Era. It has been a challenge.
And I don’t know if it is the treatment, the pain, or what but i don’t feel hyper energetic today.
And you know what? That’s ok.
I want to encourage you to love and embrace Mondas as much as I do, but that doesn’t mean it always have to look pretty. Some Mondays will have endometriosis effects, some Mondays won’t bring lots of energy, some will bring meetings and things we don’t love BUT even though we rest, we gotta keep going.
That’s why I think Mr. Nike nailed it with their slogan: Just Do It.
I’m a passionate believer of just doing the thing.
I’ve encountered people who tells me: oh, I do wanna exercise but I don’t feel like it, oh I wanna go to the event but I’m lacking enthusiasm, Oh I would love to do it but I'm afraid…and well, I could tell you tons of examples, and for me is just matter of doing it.
With fear, with laziness, with doubts, enthusiastic, sad…whatever I feel, but I do it.
I do the thing.
A great attitude is not required to start something, the most expensive brushes are not required to start painting, the only required thing is to do it.
Don’t make it an absolute or take it so serious, if your endometrium is going crazy you don’t need to go out running, lol.
But you get the overall point, right?
Just Do It.
You don’t need to have it all figured out. You just need to start.
I remember almost a year ago I said I would love to learn German.
I couldn’t go to classes so I downloaded the Duolingo app, today is my day 340 of learning German and I can tell Ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen. Ich kann Wein, Salat und Brot bestellen und fragen, wo die Toiletten sind.
I just did it. With what I had.
And I’m learning, and I can read, speak and talk a little bit, and a little more everyday, because I just do it.
And of course I’m not a master in Nike it. But I when I realize a thought or an idea is separating me from the thing I want, I just do it. I go for it.
And that’s what I want to tell you today.
There might be Mondays (or any other day) that it feels that you can’t.
But you do.
You just gotta do it. Keep going.
You totally got this. It’s just some days feel a little less empowering than others, but as everything, it should pass.
This blog post won’t be long, because, you know, low energy levels are trending today lol.
But I do want to share with you this
To eat: We went to Ken’s Artisan Pizza Number 3 of the 50 best pizzas in USA. It is fan-tas-tic. The dough tastes angelical. We tried salad, brussels sprouts, burrata pizza, wine, afogato…we ate it all. If you live in the Portland area, I suggest you try it. If you don’t I think is fun thing to do to explore those “special” places around you. We had a beautiful date, full of laughter, hugs and yummy food.
To do: Make a pause in your week, and go for a walk. Just go. It doesn’t matter if it’s a park, a street, a trail…whatever you have on hand and if it’s safe of course. That breaks the routine and introduces the surprise factor in the middle of your day or week. I’ll share with you a video of one of those walks at the end of the entry.
To change: And talking about breaking the routine, the other day we decide to have breakfast outside. I made egg and cheese sandwiches we bring coffee and we have breakfast while walking in a trail with Ophelia. It started raining (light rain, not a monsoon) and it was beautiful to drink our coffee while breathing the clean air, smelling the rain and watching the ducks swimming in the little lake. So try something different, how about having breakfast in your porch, or having a zoom meeting under a tree…get creative.
To watch: Ok, don’t judge me, but I got hubby into Lost, the tv show from hundreds of years ago. It feels so refreshing to see woman with wrinkles, people not having the urge to post anything on their cellphones…I love that tv show.
To read: I just started a new book. It’s called Mastery, by Robert Greene. and so far I really like it. It opens your eyes to see that you can master whatever you decide to put time and energy in to. I just started it and I can tell I’m gonna love it.
Have a beautiful Monday and GREAT week!
Love & Sparkles!!
I hope you enjoy it.