Rediscovering Magic: How a Spontaneous UK Trip Transformed My Life

Hola, amigos del internet!!!

I feel we haven’t talked in ages, and at the same time, I feel you guys are so close.

So, I’m trying something new today. I’ll go shorter in this blog post. Please let me know if you prefer it short.

For some time, I was reading, listening, and investigating, paying so much attention to the world outside, mostly on how the world of art works. And I just burnt out. I’d say I felt lost. I felt like I didn’t fit anywhere or with anyone. I felt I forgot about the easiness of Magic. Some of you have told me many times that I’m all about magic, but hey, that wasn’t my 100%, lol.

Well, you know, I’m all about clues and hints and following the signals to the magic path, so one day, I cried on my couch because of how I was feeling. The next day, I dragged my body to the supermarket to buy groceries, and I got a call. A magic call in the aisle of Pop-Tarts. Those who know me know I just freaking love Pop-Tarts.

That call led me to buy a ticket to the UK the next day. Yes, the country of sheep and scones with clotted cream. And the next day, Hubby and Ophelia were driving me to the airport to start my journey.

What a journey this was! It obviously didn’t start that day. It started in 2008 when I told the Universe that what I wanted the most was peace, and I committed myself, my life, to the path of joy and the Teaching of the One... maybe it started since I came to this earth and started remembering...

Anyway, I was flying over the sea to see my Teacher and to bring the Magic back to my life. What a gift to remember that Magic never left! I just fell asleep in the dream of numbness for an instant that felt like a lifetime.

I arrived in London and met a friend that I had not had the opportunity to meet in person, but we are super close through Zoom, lol. I met her and her husband, who is my friend too. They both look like total rockstars.

We went to The Tate Modern and had an amazing day! I’ll write another blog post about the museum because I’m a museum lover. But the point of this is that we saw some beautiful spots in London, like Covent Garden and the Big Ben, together, talking and connecting in real life.

But I wasn’t going on a tourist trip; I was going on a journey of the Self. So I’ll focus on that for now.

After a few days, we embarked on a journey to Richmond to stay in a castle for a retreat to see my Teacher and remember.

It was amazing. The first day was amazing. I talked to my Teacher, and after leaving, I found this spot.

I cried here as I have never cried before. I let go of everything there. I was left so peacefully empty. The rain took away the remains of the dream out of me. And I woke up to reality, where magic does abide. With the help and love of my Teacher, I remembered in an instant.

I connect with more friends there, I can’t believe how amazingly magical they all are.
The place is also magical, you crossed that antique door and you see the beautiful castle, the mysterious fluffy cat, the smiles in everyone, the sparks on the eyes…

I feel free again. I can see the magic 200% again. And it’s just a matter of waking up from the dream to this moment, which is alive and pure and innocent.

And this moment is all. This is life. This moment right here. I realized so many things back there in the castle. Like I don’t need to find my artistic voice, because it is not lost or anywhere else than here; everything that is needed is provided by the magic of the moment. My voice is purer when my belief system is off. My voice will sound as it needs to be heard in the perfect moment, same as yours.

All is well.

I’m back home again. And I’m also in my tiny little town that I love so much, with Hubby, who received me with so many surprises and love, and Ophelia, my beloved bunnypig.

I feel new. I feel my Self again. And I’m willing to be the purest version of me, no hiding, no fear, but very alive and awake to this moment. Innocent, to observe what life presents and enjoy it.

That is it for now amigos, I believe I didn’t make it short after all, uh?

I hope you have a wonder Monday!
And please know I’m here for you. Send me an email anytime. We are all in this together.

Love & Sparkles,


To do: Follow your intuition, follow your gut, be spontaneous. Not necessarily it has to be a ticket to the UK lol. Well, in case you feel like it, look around here.
To eat: I’ve ate it before, once I prepared it, but I tried it this time with charcoal bread. Cucumber sandwiches. OMG, bread, cream cheese, dill and cucumber. That was it. Of course you can look for a recipe in Pinterest.
To read: Check out my friend, Maitreya’s Book, he is an amazing being and this book is amaaaazing. Click here if you want to hear a sample of it.
To be more creative: During my magical stay in the UK, I hanged out with two little amazing magical children, and we wanted to paint but we didn’t find the paper sheets, instead we found napkins. We created a whole collection and it looked ready to hang in a Gallery. Try it! Grab some napkins and as the all are the same size, they look already like a professional collection.