An art trip
by an artsy monk who cries because of art.
A metaphoric journey between art exhibitions in Mexico City and a spiritual funny path of oneness.
That sounded like an intro for a book, right? Well, at least it sounded like it for me.
Anyway, I want to tell you, as always, about art and spirituality. About some art exhibitions in Mexico City and the hints showed to me about light, waking up, share and inspiration.
I’ll try not to be long, but sit comfortably and grab some coffee or tea (or be healthy and have a glass of water) just in case.
It all started when two artist friends and I were talking about knowing more about art, study, travel, read, etc…and that it would be awesome to do it together. So in Mexico City were happening two important exhibitions. James Turrell and Van Gogh Alive. And that’s how the trip began.
The second big uncomfortable thing was that the Van Gogh Alive tickets were sold out. At this point, writing, I just feel like laughing.
Back in the moment I felt my eyes wide open and my smile frozen…oh yes, and my brain too.
Friendless (not in real life, but travelwise), ticketless…not really swimming in a comfort zone. BUT! Magic happens amigos!!
I needed to find Vang Gogh Alive tickets and it happened!! Needed to change my flights and it happened, when I arrived to Mexico City I stayed with two fabulous amazing friends that shared their lives with me and we had an amazing time, amazing food and talks, then hubby came to the exhibition trip and had a lovely time together talking about art, holding hands in the museums, and everything ending going beyond any expectation I had.
The first exhibition I visited was “Dreams” at Fantasy Lab . Is a simple but magical experience full of lights. The first stage of the visit I experienced the whole cosmos, not even inside or outside of me, it was just an empty infinite space without me. Without us. Without shapes or limits, I really love cosmic experiences. And the whole route has neon hints about the cosmic journey we live. I’m not sure that they know that, because I don’t think that was the purpose of the installation, but for this artsy monk everything has a special, secret message to make us travel inwards.
So, for being the first art stop, it was cool. Not the big famous artist pieces hanging in the walls, but light, messages..the neon, announcing me the magic, the purpose, that little something else I always love to discover.
Light and more light
…and there was light.
And thanks to my amazing meditation practice light is something that I’ve been able to see in my life since like 12 years ago. But to arrive to this huge city and started seeing these light messages confirmed my path and that made me more happy.
Next stop was James Turrell and oh my God it is amazing, light, intense, profound and one of a kind.
This great artist captivated me since I read about his intention to create a state of meditation in all time and space..whaaaat?? My monk friends and probably some of you know what is he talking about!!!! Isn’t it AMAAAAZING? Imagine a moment in which you are not who you think you are, imagine a moment in which you are not your body, you are not what you believe, you are not separate of anything…
Right now the Exhibition is in Mexico City at Museo Jumex for just $100 mexican pesos, which is like $5 US dollars…what?! So cool!! Outside the museum is a temporary commission painted by hand on the floor by the artist Michael Lin.
So, isn’t the whole thing amazing?!?! Meditation and art together…that sounds like my life.
And I just feel so much gratitude for being able to witness and enjoy all this.
Life is full of hints and magic…for those who are willing to witness.
The story is not done yet. The next amazing thing was Van Gogh Alive, and as someone I love so much told me: “he died and 1980” Hahaha…funny…YET I feel Vincent so present in my life since I read Van Gogh’s Letters, to his brother Theo. Oh boy! It got stuck in my soul forever. So I went to the exhibition and I cried, and then cried again…and again.
I thought about Vincent struggling in his days…and today it is a totally different story. Deep inside in my heart I believe than in another dimension he still paints, and he has an amazing cozy yellow house with a garden full of sunflowers…lacking nothing.
I don’t wanna bore you with the longest blog post ever, so please DM me if you wanna keep talking about these exhibitions, about Vincent or light, or meditation or living fully, or art. Let’s share the magic!!
I cry while writing because art and meditation are my life and feel so grateful for all the magic hints.
I’d really love doing it trough my art and my spiritual practice.
If you made it through here THANK YOU.
Let me know if you have been in this exhibitions, let me know if you cry with art too, if you live fully and see the magic hints around, let me know if you have a spiritual practice, let’s connect!!