Somewhere between Marie Kondo and the Chaos Theory

I’m an artist and a meditation monk, and no, I’m not an expert in the mathematical chaos theory but oh! The universe knows I’m a chaos expert.
Don’t get me wrong, chaotic in a funny kinda movie way.

But let’s start from the beginning.

I don’t remember if it was a year or 2 ago, when I read Marie Kondo’s book.
As a happy person walking a path of joy I can say this woman knows joy!! And she can teach you how set a life that you feel joyful every time you see your closet.

I read the books and I started decluttering my clothes, my shoes, the kitchen stuff and oh yes some friends too, that was a funny and revealing one and the hardest of course was my studio, because honestly, almost all the stuff in here cause me joy, almost, so I tossed the other ones.

And OMG this is an edit of this pandemic times: CHECKLIST! I’m a fan of checklists because I feel they are some kind of friends (don’t judge me, be kind lol) that are here to help me achieve my goals. And I just found this amazing helpful checklist in case you are also looking for those kind of friends too, those who make your life easier. I’m not attached to the outcome though, because every time one gets attached a little joy leaks out through the window.

Anyway, as I’m a very very very intense person, I totally got into decluttering and ordering E V E R Y T H I N G.
The studio, the kitchen, the toilet paper, the makeup (well I just have like 5 things haha, that one was easy), the files in my computer all my yogi tea boxes, my finances, my logistics, my plans, every single step was in order.

But, somehow in my mind, (and I didn’t realized it until a few weeks ago) something got a little twisted ( the speciality from the house). I don’t know why, my mind assumed that if I was being super neat the results of every movement I was doing would be what I supposed to be…..I think this is when the Universe laughed…loudly.

And I’ve known for years now, that one cannot control life. But I forgot, in the middle of my OCD attack.
Life happens and we are blessed to be able to witness and if one is smart enough, to enjoy it all.

Of course it feels better if you put everything of yourself in each thing you do, in every conversation, in every job, in every relationship…but the result…we are not in control.
And there is where the magic happens. The unexpected. The surprises. The most alive life.

I think we need to let life surprise us more.
I truly believe the only thing we can control is where to put our attention.
I believe we can trust more in life, the Universe, God, it doesn’t matter how you cal it.

So I finally I remembered!!! Phew!
And I came back to normal…somewhere between Marie Kondo and the Chaos Theory.

(For those Marie Kondo lovers: I still have everything in a beautiful order)

Still…you can get to work with a hanger in your back.

Add some light

You have the power.

You have the ability because it’s in your nature. Bring light to the world, bring joy!
Give a smile, a hug, instead of criticize or judge ; give praises, appreciation to the world. 

Stop the gossip and start a love tsunami for every being in the existence.

Add light to life, to the people you love, to those whom you don’t know, to those whom you don’t like so much. Add light to yourself. Stop complaining and start to give thanks.

Your nature, your essence is light, so give it back fully to this present moment.

Let’s make the world the best place ever!

To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are
— - Roy T. Bennett

The Studio

Everyday I open this door, the smell of oils and turpentine remind me how amazing and how awesome life is.

It reminds me each moment is brand new, and that I can reset the story whenever I want, I can live a life full of magic and purpose. 

What’s inside of this door is colors, stories, dreams, tears and laughs, magical characters, wisdom, innocence...oh and a lot of coffee! 

So I can’t help but feel gratitude!!
A huge endless gratitude for this ticket I earned to witness life, to witness this amazing magical play shining and the gratitude expands and expands because the experience of love, joy, peace and freedom can’t be compared with any concept I could ever imagine.


What's your dream?

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What’s your passion?

Mine is to be a great artist, a painter that paints all the time, that transmits emotions and dreams and passion through my art.

An artist who give hope, who inspire others to live their dreams and to recognize that beyond all the known, beyond all the visible, is a pristine space when we all are one.