The box of Silence


This was a project I made when I was studying visual arts.

It was about making the people feel and enjoy stillness and peace.

Now after a few years and after discovering Ishayas Ascension (the meditation I practice and teach) .
I realize how much art and meditation are related, how the hints about stillness and Silence were always present in my life, and now I can see how easy is to experience the greatest fulfillment always in this moment.

I might start this project again...but reloaded.

Be still NOW


An unsolicited advise: Don’t ever ever doubt of yourself.

There might moments in life when one can buy other people ideas about you. But honestly is not worthy.

People might have opinions and ideas but you must believe in you, in who you are, in the amazing power that abides inside you. 

Believe in your dreams and in your ability to make them real.

You have the power, you have the light, you are unique and amazing and shiny! Let your own glow enlighten your path. 


Don’t give your peace and your happiness in other people’s hands, don’t put your peace in stuff or situations, the peace, the joy, the happiness, the sparks abides in the purest stillest part of you.

In that part where nothing moves, which is pure calm and silence and divinity. That part has never been touched, so rest there. 

If you put your happiness and peace in stuff that constantly moves, your peace and your happiness will obviously move too.

You are worthy, you are amazing, YOU ARE PERFECT exactly as you are.

It’s OK to take a break

No, don’t stop. No, don’t quit. 

Sometimes one just need to rest, to do nothing. Just rest and observe. Be kind with our bodies, listen to them. Just be still and take time to recover. 
That’s good for the body, the mind, the creativity. 

Each stage must be destroyed in order to crate a new one, and meanwhile you can take the time to rest and love yourself and love it all.