The Muse

Is it someone? Is it something?
Where does it live? Where does it come from? How does it looks?

If you are an artist I’m sure you’ve heard this or question this yourself.

Does it belongs to you?
Is it from YOUR imagination? Or are you just the observer?

Does it shows up for you or it just roam free and you stay so still that you are given the opportunity to witness it?

This topic about the muse is very interesting from the artist’s point of view and is a question that almost every clients ask.

Years ago I found inspiration in pain or sadness. I made good art, I liked it, but it didn’t lead me to my highest desire of the heart, or help anyone to live better or to have hope or inspiration. Not because having those emotions is wrong but the place where it came from wasn’t the purest one.

Years later, I learnt to ascend (the techniques I practice and teach) and I found purpose, I found a tool to get me closer to my highest desire and I discovered the burning desire to share, to give hope, to inspire, to remember everyone I can to live freely, in peace, love and joy.

So my muse is not mine.
The muse is life, it doesn’t matter if it’s a nice feeling or a difficult one, it doesn’t matter if sometimes is a thing or a person, an experience…it changes all the time.

The secret for me, is to be so still, that life presents to me what is needed to be in a canvas in order to wake up the fire in others. That’s the muse…

to me.