Atchooo! It's Monday, and I've got a box of tissues ready to add some flair to the day!
Yes, I've caught a cold, and it's not my favorite, but hey, life goes on! I have a little theory—though I'm no doctor—that my cold might have started as allergies a few days ago. The runny nose and sneezes might have evolved into this pesky cold. Any doctors out there? What do you think?
But enough about me—how are you on this delightful spring day? I hope you're feeling fabulous and at peace. Embracing change is a gift, and in these fast-paced times, finding contentment with what we've been given is truly a blessing.
One of the most beautiful changes I adore is the shift in seasons. Where I come from (the desert), we only had two extremes: scorching heat and freezing cold. Living in Oregon now, I get to enjoy the full spectrum of the seasons! The sun has been peeking through, and it's so endearing to watch Ophelia, chase those golden rays.
I'm not the biggest fan of the sun myself, but I do appreciate the warm light it brings to my art. It allows me to capture my creations with natural sunlight, showcasing the true brilliance of the colors.
Take a peek at my studio—it's a bit chaotic with all the vibrant metallic hues shining in the sunlight! It's a cozy corner in my home rather than a full-fledged studio, but I love it. With all my busyness and now battling a cold, it's a little harder to keep the space pristine. But hey, I have dreams of a perfect studio in the future, and it's just a matter of time.
Lately, I've been trusting more the flow of time more than ever. What will be, will be, and it might not always happen when I want it to, but when it happens, it's magical. It's easy to forget that sometimes, but today, as I lean back and appreciate my little creative corner, I feel incredibly grateful and at peace.
So, here's to my tiny space in my tiny town, and loving every minute of it!
And I mean, to me it is impossible not to love this place. Look at the scenery while I was driving to the Cornelius Public Library, in which I’ll be teaching a watercolor workshop and I’m so excited about it!
I wish they would have opportunities like this in my country. The library it’s offering these workshops for free to the community and I think that’s amazing.
If you live in the area and you want to create a beautiful watercolor card with me, you can subscribe here.
Also we already started inviting the artists at Elysium for the next Hispanic Heritage Month Art Show! It’s crazy cool! The art, the artists, the intention…we have been working hard and with heart. That’s priceless. Follow us to know more and well…with a little patience lol, ‘cause we are starting!
And as I’m coughing as there’s no tomorrow I need to end this here.
Not before wishing you a magical Monday! An awesome week!! You got this! You are a total rockstar! And it doesn’t matter if it’s dark outside sometimes, your inner light will always shine, because that one is untouchable.
“Once there was only darkness. If you ask me, the light’s winning.”
To visit: Go to your local museum! I love museums. You can find treasures that you didn’t know they lived there. We went to our local Museum and I found we have a Monet! And he is one of my favorites, we have River at Lavacourt, 1879. And apart from the classics you might find special exhibitions. We went to the Future Now: Virtual Sneakers to Cutting-Edge Kicks exhibition. I’m not that into sneakers history per se, but I found amazing pieces like a pair of shoes designed by one of my favorite architects Zaha Hadid. So, you never never know, Museums are a magical portal to treasures.
To read: I’m re-reading this book again just because I love it and I thinks is a very powerful reminder on how to live a peaceful life. It’s short but extremely amazing and I believe I might have forgotten some stuff lol, so I’m reading this wonder again.
To watch: If you are interested in…everything lol, like me, you might like this YouTube Channel. It’s about nature. They have videos about life underwater, in the tundra, flying life, everywhere in the world and wow they have good cameras! It’s a fantastic way of spending time, learning, admiring and getting to know about life in our planet in places we might never go.
To get inspired: The other night we were having dinner with friends and talking about everything Hubby’s TedX Talk came up in the conversation. He’s extremely inspiring so watch the talk if you want to be a bit more inspired about our journey in this existence. It’s in Spanish but you know YouTube have subtitles in tons of languages, so you can click your preferred one.