¡Hola, amigos del Internet! It's Monday again, and here we are giving our best, right?
I surely am. Apparently, my body is not having the best time, but I understand it's doing its best too. I've been dealing with pain, and I can proudly say I'm handling it gracefully.
I took a tumble down the stairs. It was quite a journey, and I was shocked by the end of it. From upstairs to the first floor, it was unstoppable. I tried at the beginning, but quickly realized there wasn't much I could do, so I let go.
Perhaps it could have been worse, but thankfully, I'm not hurt. Just a little pain in my neck, and considering it was a whole floor, I'd say that's not too bad.
The migraine made a comeback. Today, my head feels like it's full of water and a bit spacey. However, in the end, I feel a lot of love inside and a strange knowingness that everything is fine, following the plan. I can't even explain this feeling.
Letting go brought me so much peace, releasing not only the physical pain but also the migraine. I realized over the last two years, I've let go of so much! So much. Today, I read something about not feeling guilty about letting go things, situations, or relationships that are not good for you, and it's true.
Time to let go the guilt too.
It all makes sense and aligns with what's happening with my art.
During my Green Era, I started a new collection. I'm working on painting 03, thinking I was almost done, but no. Something was missing. It was revealed to me how attached I was to that piece, not wanting to add anything else, even when it felt like something was lacking or the space was ready for new colors.
But hey, I saw it. And bravely, I let go.
After being stuck for a few hours, I started sketching the missing element and reviewing my old notes, and there it was. It had always been part of the plan.
Maybe life is the same. There's a grand plan, we get attached to ideas, get a little lost, get distracted dreaming, and forget about reality. Until we wake up again. And everything makes sense once more.
Who knows, we can get distracted many times, but the pure gold is to wake up again and discover all the magic that abides in reality.
Here's a glimpse of my studio on the day I was stuck:
And let me share what I did after getting tired of it.
I simply relaxed, lol. Did I mention I found a Bob Ross channel on my TV? Well, I made some popcorn and added pickled jalapeños to them. If you haven't tried this, I think you should, if you can handle the spice, obviously. Bob always reminds me of the gentleness in art. So, I did that.
After that, everything became easy and quick. I started sketching what was missing in my painting.
Also I found a gem in this painting:
I hope you can see the treasure in your life too.
After a date night, finding clues all over the place, letting go of any ideas or attachments, and having fun with my art, nature gifted me the cherry on top:
It's been snowing again in my tiny town, and I feel my heart full of happy little snowflakes.
I hope your heart and soul are dancing to the magical rhythm of snow.
For now,
Love & Sparkles! Ishani
To read: This amazing Chinese parable that my Teacher shared with me years ago and I think we all should read it at least once in our lives.
To eat: Arroz con leche It’s a Mexican dessert that I was craving the other day and I swear it feels like a hug for the heart. This is a simple but traditional recipe but I’m sure you can find other healthier options in case you are into that.
To watch: Hubby and I saw True Detective: Night Country. At the end we realized this is Season 4 of a whole series. We haven’t watched the other 3, but every season is a different theme, different actors etc. In this one we saw Jodi Foster. I totally love her,I think she is an amazing actress plus it’s so cool to see her age without looking weirdly 32. She looks gorgeous.