I'm part of the statistics

A few days ago a friend told me about the statistics of people infected with COVID19 in the US. No, I don't remember the number, I bet you can Google it, they were the majority of the people of this country.

Until that day I was not part of the statistics, now I am.

After a day of coughing and feeling like my throat was being scraped with a cheese grater, I got tested for the virus and came back positive. Of course I took a photo of the evidence, you know I like to record everything.

I felt terribly bad for all that people that got infected and suffered because of the ignorance we all had at the beginning of the pandemic, all of those who died, family members included. And in no way I am comparing my cough and throat discomfort with their situations but I couldn’t help but think of them and dedicate my meditation to them and their families. I also want to send my love and the most beautiful and purest vibes to all of you that are going through health issues in your families. My Teacher taught me to be grateful forward for those experiences that we might feel stressed out about. It has worked for me everytime. So if you want to try it too, feel free to do it. Just be grateful now for that moment in the future. When the time comes, that moment will give back to you all that beautiful energy of gratitude you sent to.

So, I’ve been feeling extra tired, pain in my bones and back muscles, cough and I feel like my throat is getting shredded , which takes me to next thought: nachos. But I’m not getting any. Hubby has been making me chicken soup and I’m beyond grateful. I love soups with all my heart.
I also feel super inspired but I can’t do much because I feel super tired.

So, as some of you know I’m a little nerdy, so I moved my inspiration towards learning how to use a program to get MY FIRST EBOOK done!!!!! YAAAAS I did it. I was inspired one day and I decided to write an ebook and I did. It’s already proofread and now I’m trying to make it visually beautiful.

I asked someone else to do it, because she is an amazing professional but she’s busy until september. So I decided I’ll try. So today I’ve learning about the program. I’m not attached to it.
So if I run out of patience I can always wait for her in September and maybe you can buy my first ebook as a Christmas gift…who knows. Or Halloween…although you don’t give presents for halloween, right?

But you can…gift someone with my ebook for Halloween.

It’s a book about Inspiration, Spirituality, Heart and Art.

And it has exercises, a closed group of people sharing about their projects, discoveries, tips and tutorial by me…and more. I’m beyond excited about this project.

I’ll let you know as soon as it is available.

So, yeap…this COVID thing brought me a lot of love, for others and for me, inspiration to learn (as I can’t hold a brush in this moment), time to meditate, some of you know that i loooove my Ascension time, a lot of chicken soup, more love and appreciation for my hubby, more connection with my family and yes the humankind, body pain a lot of tiredness…that’s why it’s time for me to say goodbye, be gentle with myself and rest.

But please, please, please remember

you are loved, you are important, you are amazing and and anyone would be proud of who you are and how far you've come.

All my love,

Help Yourself

So a month ago I received some heart breaking news.
That kind of news that you never want to hear in your family. Obviously I got really sad. And I won’t turn this into a sad post, but I really want to inspire you instead.

I found a really thin line between allowing yourself to feel whatever you feel and let you sink into the feeling.
This is not really new into my awareness, but it was kinda new this time because of the closeness and intensity of the situation.

So I allowed myself to cry…like really really cry.
Almost all day long for a whole week. Until at some point I realized I couldn’t stay like that forever if I wanted to help the situation and my family.

So i took a plane and I stopped crying.
Not because I wasn’t feeling sad, but because I wanted to move forward and love, and help and inspire, because that is my nature, it has always been.

The same day I started crying, I stopped painting.
And to me art is related to everything in my life. But I couldn’t find the strength to get out of bed and grab a brush.

But I realized that in order to help those I love the most (to help everyone, actually) I need to be OK. I need to be 100% me and give 100% of me to service and care and love.
You need to care of yourself in order to completely give yourself to others, and is in service where I find peace and love. In that way one can add, help, give, hope, love…instead of add sadness or negativity.

This is a very basic unsolicited advice and I’m not really in the mood for a big blog post. But I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to share this realization.

At the end I did grab a brush, some watercolors and I painted this.
Which totally talks about this moment in my life.

Mona Lisa attacked...with cake

La Gioconda has been attacked

It is not the first time that we read (nor will we read, it seems to me) this headline.

This time they caked her. 🍰

Of course she didn’t suffer any damage, as expected, due to the security measures.

The aggressor's message about sustainability and the environment 🌱 has been diluted, because of course, it doesn't seem like a well-executed plan to me, if you ask me.

We can't forget the famous robbery from 1911, when even Picasso 🎨 was arrested and interrogated!

Then in 1956 a man who suffered from a syndrome related to anxiety from overexposure to beauty, threw sulfuric acid on the Mona Lisa 🧪 and there a piece of the bottom was damaged.

Another man also stabbed her 🔪, trying to steal it from her because he, well, he... was in love with her 🤦🏼‍♀️

They already put glass there.

Then this guy from Bolivia threw a stone at her 🪨 and he damaged the painting because he broke the glass and then they put another one to have double protection.

And in 2009 a woman threw a cup of tea at her 🍵, a Russian visitor, it’s been it was because she was angry because she was denied her French nationality.

It's all about the Mona Lisa at the Louvre for now.

See you soon amigos from the internet.

*No Gioconda was damage.

Start from Scratch

How do you feel about starting over knowing nothing? A little intimidating?
I guess most of us feel at least, feel a little of that. Uncertainty sounds exciting when you talk about a movie, but when it comes to your life can be a liiiiitle scary.

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