Weekly Treasures, The Ultimate Love Story, Artsy Podcasts, and Sustainable Living Tips

Hola Amigos del Internet!

How are you, friends? How's life treating you? Are you onto something new these days, or perhaps basking in some old regular amazingness?

I mean, I'd love both!
Actually, I'm diving into both realms. The new adventure is my participation in my new Art Collective at the Latino Festival in my beloved tiny town. And, of course, there's the regular, amazing flow of everyday life. However, I must admit, there's one thing I don't like these days: Ophelia has been sick for some time now, and I'm worried about her. We've been taking her to the vet, but they haven't been able to heal her illness. This gorgeous Monday is filled with veterinary appointments, art meetings, video editing, and, of course, painting.

So, a very busy Monday. Just how I like them. Except for Ophelia being sick. But I'm doing everything I can, the best I can. Hopefully, today we can find some answers. Please send Ophelia love and good vibes, and to her doGtors too. Thanks in advance, friends.

The other day, I heard someone say they felt bored. I tried to remember the last time I felt bored... and I couldn't.

I think it's because I feel so excited about life itself that I want to do everything, feel everything, try everything, see everything... so every moment is an opportunity to experience something new. Even washing the dishes, which I don't precisely love, feels new every time because it is! Each moment is different, with its unique temperature, light, and vibe. It's a brand new moment.

There's so much value in realizing this. To live every moment as new, as different. To let go of the arrogance of "I already know this." To be humble enough to see the magnificence of life alive right now and to feel gratitude for the moment.

If you are painting, raising a baby, taking care of your teens, your dog, your cat, if you are taking care of yourself, listening to your parents, your partner, your co-worker... do it 100%.

Be present enough to realize how wonderful the moment is. Be present enough to realize life is happening for you, not to you. Be so, so present, so alive that there's no space to even believe the moment is boring. Be so present to realize the present is a present (wink wink).

Love & Sparkles,


  1. To read: I was asked to write an article about transcending separation, and I ended up writing about a true love story. I really enjoy writing, even though I'm not a writer by trade. Here it is in case you want to read it.

  2. To listen: You may know, or you may not, but sometimes I post a podcast on YouTube with my friend Valeria. We just recorded a new episode, which isn't posted yet, but you can catch up on some artsy topics in Spanish here. You can add English or any language subtitles, thanks to the YouTube Gods. They are long episodes—remember, it’s a podcast made by two nerds.

  3. To buy or not to buy: When I moved to the US, I discovered through a friend this thing called Buy Nothing. As the name suggests, you don’t buy stuff, but you give things away, ask for them, or be gifted them. It’s a wonderful way to reduce waste, avoid excessive spending, and share with your community. Someone was gifting an old (80's, not that old—I was born in '83) record player stand, so I got it. I cleaned it up, polished it, and now it’s part of my tiny studio. I love it, and it works perfectly for my small canvases. Don’t you want to try it?