The Power of Metamorphosis: Transforming Life's Challenges into Beauty and Art.

Hola Amigos del Internet!!!
I hope you guys can see all the beauty in this amazing new day!

As you requested in our little Monday Channel the blog will be shorter, yay!!

Some may say I’m romanticizing life, and I am.

I choose to live a beautiful life. I pull out my alchemist magic and turn life lessons into beauty, and my art is proof that with a good perspective even the intense dark moments can become a beautiful lesson to your heart and your art (wink wink).

That’s the power of Metamorphosis. We can choose. We have the freedom to turn bad experiences into beautiful ones.

METAMORPHOSIS yes, thats a huge wonder in life. A change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.

Recently I’ve been told my art is “too pretty”. And I smiled inside. It wasn’t supposed to be a compliment but to me it was. Not because the art is this or that, but because through meditation I have developed a skill to see beauty everywhere. And when life feels a little tough, then I can turn the drama into beauty.

  1. To try: Have you ever wonder about writing a book? Go for it! It doesn’t need to be a masterpiece in literature, it just needs to be a book you wrote, it can be short, it can be long, it can be whatever you want! I did it! And you know what? I already started the second one!

  2. To learn: Hubby and I started playing and learning through YouTube. We just wrote “Art Trivia” in the search bar and geez! it’s amazing how much you can learn on the internet! We started with art trivia because we both love art, but we also found general knowledge, geography…all you can imagine!

  3. To drink: We started adding Magnesium to our morning smoothie and it gives it an extra spark! I used to drink it hot at night but now we dissolved it in warm water

  4. To do: Take a break from screens and enjoy some offline activities. This week I baked, read, cleaned my studio , went to a Gallery Exhibition, met new amazing people and it all feels so freeing. Offline is a luxury nowadays.

I wish you have a blast of a Monday and rest of the week!
Do your magic, use alchemy in your favor and turn everything to beauty and into your best life, I guess we all have had enough of the not good already.

Love & Sparkles!