Riding the New and Mastering it

Hola Amigos del Internet!
I hope you are having a fabulous moment right now. I want to say THANK YOU. For reading this blog in this little corner of the Internet. You know I’m no writer, but this is one of the things I most enjoy to do and I appreciate your presence and time here.

Today I don’t think I can write too much.
Last night I myself recreated that famous scene from The Exorcist, yeap, that with the green stuff all over the place…thank God nothing else from that movie lol.

I’ve been eating quite well, balanced. But yesterday we went shopping for some home stuff to my hubby’s favorite store, Costco, lol I call him Mr. Costco. Aaaaand me being very visual, previously I saw some videos telling how delicious the Costco Hot Dog is, and in the videos the bread looked so fluffy and so I fell into the marketing and got me a yummy Hot Dog, indeed the bread was fluffy. I need to say it is too big for me though.
And what the hubby got? Salad. That should’ve been my choice too.

We were sleeping and everything was our usual, but in the middle of the night my stomach really started to hurt. So I went to the bathroom and rest is history mixed with The Exorcist.

So today I just don’t have enough strength.
But I just wanted to quickly share with you what’s going on.

I’m still in meetings about our new project Elysium and the whole process has been wonderful. I’m amazed on how easy and simple things go when you work with good people, with people that is not competing with you, that they don’t want to prove anything, but they do things for love and passion and they are simply not interest in the spotlight for their egos. I’m so so grateful for my team.
I think is important to let go what doesn’t makes us truly happy. Sometime it hurts a lot, but for the longtime to stay is more hurtful.

I feel I’m starting brand new in so many aspects of my life, and I feel light and grateful. Sometimes I feel scared but the other day I saw this, and I’ll share it with you:

In the realm of the new, I started learning how to ride a bike. Yes, at 40.
Hubby is teaching me. He bought me all the safety thingies you need, the knees thing, the elbows protection…everything. And a few years ago we ended with some bikes that we never used, so he cleaned them up and bought me a new saddle, so I got my first lesson.

I couldn’t ride lol. But I tried and I was so happy doing it and so grateful to have him as my life team. He is so patience with me and kind.
I’m staring to think that bike is too big for me and that doesn’t help. But still, I’ll keep trying. Not today obviously because my stomach still hurts and I can barely stand lol. But I’m enjoying this new experience so much!

I’ll stop here, and just show you the summary pics.
Oh! I also started a new painting and it has been a challenge, a good, fun challenge because in this piece I’m painting over gold leaf. I’ll show you here:

I hope you and your loved ones have a Miraculous Monday!
You got this!!

Love & Sparkles!

To eat: Costco Hot Dogs…lol no, just kidding! I mean, if you wanna try! But in the other hand, the more healthy one, I made this little snacks. You cut thick slices of cucumber, the you spread cream cheese on top and you can add a little cherry tomato, or a cranberry and a stick of sesame. They are so good!

To get really good at something: Repetition. According to writer Malcolm Gladwell it takes about 10,000 hours of guided practice to become masterful. I’ve been painting for years now, and I’ll keep doing it, it’s my passion, and I’m in a point where I feel very content, but as I love it so much, I want more. So I’m planning to do the same with the bike, repetition. I’m pretty sure you are great at some stuff. What do you want to master now? There is joy in repetition.

To laugh: I discover this girl on YouTube and I’ve laughed a lot with her videos. It is like a social critique in a very funny way of our society, mainly on the topic on the use of internet and social media. Which by the way, ugh, I need to write about social media.

To read: It’s been along time since I had tell you about my little eBook. It’s an honest, simple, insightful book with exercises about Inspiration, Spirituality, Heart and Art. (Got the initials uh?) If you read it, please let me know what you think. And thank you in advance.