My artwork is an endless bunch of hints.
The process of remembering oneself is quite a journey. Even though the world seems so fragile and repetitive, the journey is magical, eternal and full of wonder.
Exploring my inner self consciously since 2008 has shown me a world of innocence, beauty, wonder and magic from which I have been interpreting and capturing colors, clues and shapes.
The figures in my portraits are vessels that hold the discoveries of my introspection. They embody the countless wonders and realizations of the point where the line between the inner and outer worlds, the world of the visible and the invisible, collapses.
The paintings made through me serve as a window through the kaleidoscope of my discoveries on this path of remembering. Through them I wish to inspire viewers to jump inside and passionately immerse themselves in this path of remembering who we are and why we are here.
In the end, it is not about my journey, but about the journey of all of us, together, where we remember and become One.